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August 15, 2011
Memorial Town Hall, 1 Library Street, Georgetown, MA 01833
Ph. (978) 352-5755 style="font-family:Times New Roman;font-size:9pt;color:#000000;">Memorial Town Hall
Third Floor Meeting Room
7:00 PM

Selectmen Present:      C. David Surface, Chairman; Gary Fowler, Clerk; Philip Trapani; Stephen Smith; Stuart M. Egenberg

Others Present: Michael Farrell, Town Administrator; Janet Pantano, Administrative Assistant


Call to Order
Mr. Surface called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.

Pledge of Allegiance

Warrant & Minutes
Minutes July 11 & 26, 2011
Mr. Fowler moved to approve the minutes of July 11 & July 26, 2011.  Mr. Egenberg seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a 3-0 with Mr. Smith and Trapani abstaining.

9/11 Events
Mr. Surface stated that there is an event Sunday morning at 8:00AM Georgetown Remembers meet at Mobil Station and line the center of town.  Mr. Trapani asked for more information on this event
Mr. Surface stated there is also an event at the First Congregational Church at 4:00PM with a procession to the Public Safety Building and laying of the wreaths.
Mr. Surface stated that there will be an event in Worcester “MassRemembers” at 2:00PM at Institute Park, off Salisbury Street.

Board Business
Street Acceptances-Railroad Ave, Harris Way, and Belleau Woods- Attorney Jonathon Eichman was present
Atty Eichman stated at the ATM on May 2, 2011 the Selectmen accepted the layouts of 4 Roads, and Richardson Lane will not have the required paperwork to be recorded and will have to go back to Town Meeting.  He stated that the board needs to obtain easement rights within 120 days of Town Meeting.  He stated that the other three should have all their paperwork finished to be recorded by August 30th.

Railroad Ave
Atty Eichman stated that the board will have to vote to accept the deeds and then Acceptance of Title and then he will take them to the Registry of Deeds.
Trapani stated on final certification of deeds.  Fowler asked about the subordination agreement and if these are needed.  Atty Eichman explained what this means and that this is in their benefit.  Fowler asked if the Town would be responsible for mortgage.  Eichman stated no and never has seen this.  

Mr. Trapani moved to accept the deed on Railroad Ave contingent on satisfaction of title by August 30, 2011.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote
Mr. Trapani moved to accept the deed on Railroad Ave from Marsha Biddle on satisfaction of title by August 30, 2011.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote

Mr. Trapani moved to amend his first motion on Railroad Ave to include accept the deed on Railroad Ave from Robert Grasso contingent on satisfaction of title by August 30, 2011.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote

Harris Way
Mr. Trapani moved to accept the deed on Harris Way contingent on satisfaction of title by August 30, 2011.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote

Belleau Woods
Atty Eichman explained that the developer did not retain ownership of the road in this subdivision so the easements are being obtained by a taking.  He stated that they have signatures from a majority of residents on a waiver of rights to the taking.  Discussion on taking.  Attorney stated homeowners who do not sign waiver can appeal up to 3 years from the date of taking.   He stated that they can claim damages but the Assessors have deemed there would be No damages.   He stated that we are missing four waivers.  Mr. Fowler asked if the board did feel uncomfortable with the vote and if the board did not do the taking then would the waivers still be good.  Atty Eichman stated that they would be but they would have to go to next Town Meeting and vote to accept the road again.

Mr. Trapani moved to award damages of zero dollars ($0) for the taking of easements on Belleau Woods.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote

Mr. Trapani moved to accept the taking of easements on Belleau Woods.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote

Ms. Pantano notarized the Selectmen’s signatures and Atty Eichman took the documents to be recorded at the Registry of Deeds.

5-minute recess

West Street Culvert
Mr. Surface asked Mr. Durkee to come forward and update the board on the West Street Culvert.
Peter Durkee, Highway Surveyor explained what they plan to do at the site with State funding.  He stated that he will be doing some in-kind services at the site.

Mr. Surface stated that the residents have concerns on the look of the culvert and he would like to hear from them.  Mr. Trapani stated that the resident’s state in a letter that they want a wood guardrail but that is what he has in his neighborhood and it does not look good now.

Mr. Durkee stated that with a speed over 25mph you can not use wood and you would not want to put pressure treated wood over the town wells.  Mr. Surface stated he also does not like wood it looks old and in his neighborhood it needs to be painted.  Discussion on types of guardrail.  Mr. Durkee stated not sure of length may be 100ft or 50ft. He stated that you have Core 10 or Galvanized.  He stated that the Access Road has Core 10 and it discolors and looks rusty and that everyplace else in town is galvanized.  Mr. Fowler asked the life of each.  Mr. Durkee stated that the life is the same for both.  Mr. Fowler stated that he looked at the Bailey Lane culvert and guardrail.  He stated that the guardrail is shinny and he asked if there are any concerns on safety with either.  Mr. Durkee stated that they will put reflectors on the guardrails.  Mr. Trapani asked what his choice would be.  Mr. Durkee stated he likes either but the Galvanized best.

David Dineen, 113 West Street stated that this has been a meeting area for the residents and asked if there is anything the residents can do to make it look better such as rock wall, plantings, etc.  Mr. Surface asked if it would nullify grant if the neighbors contributed. He asked if it would affect Conservation issues.  Mr. Dineen asked if there is anything they can do.  Mr. Durkee stated safety is the main issue and ConCom may allow certain plants that are allowed in the area.  Mr. Trapani stated that the board would support residents making improvements as long as the ConCom and Mr. Durkee approve the work.     

Theodora Capaldo, 111 West Street she stated that people come from out of town fish at the bridge.  She stated that the rust colored is better it has a more rustic look.  She stated that she would like to see a light at the site as a lot for folks walk in the area and it is very dark.  Discussion on a public hearing to install a light.  Mr. Surface stated that he would want all abutters to have a say in the light.  Mr. Farrell stated that we would need a Street Light policy.  Ms Capaldo asked if they have seen lights in Groveland that are motion sensitive.  Ms. Capaldo stated that they would also like to put in some benches.  Board discussed that they have removed lights over the last few years to same money so this would have to be looked at.

Tony Linares, 110 West Street stated that he has concerns on the functionality of the culvert as he has 5 pumps running at times.  Mr. Durkee stated that the new culvert will not clog up but will not be large 4x5.  Mr. Linares stated he talked with Wayne Snow and he thought a light should go in at the site.  

Mr. Durkee stated that the State has approved $530K to replace a culvert on Central Street.  He stated that other good news is that salt is cheaper then last year.  Mr. Trapani stated that he wanted to thank Mr. Durkee for work he has done behind the High School improving access to the upper fields.  Mr. Durkee stated that it will improve access for Emergency Vehicles also.

Mr. Surface stated that there will be an Open House at Camp Denison on Sept 24th from Noon-4:00PM and encouraged residents to attend.

Mr. Surface moved to go into Executive Session to discuss collective bargaining and litigation and will not reconvene in public session.  A roll call vote was taken.
Mr. Fowler-yes
Mr. Egenberg-yes
Mr. Smith-yes
Mr. Surface-yes
Mr. Trapani-yes

Meeting adjourned at 8:10PM.

Minutes transcribed by J. Pantano.